Friday, January 1, 2021

My Top 10 Favorite Nickelback Songs


Considering what a crapstorm 2020 was, I feel it's best to start off the new year with a little positivity. So let's talk about Nickelback.
That little joke aside, I never got the hate for Nickelback. They're far from my favorite band, but they're hardly the worst. When it comes to music in the 2000's, you couldn't listen to the radio or watch MTV or VH1 during their music video blocks without the band popping up. And from what I could remember, I and a lot of people enjoyed them (their chart performance and awards being the proof in the pudding). The significant wave of negativity towards them didn't really seem to come until the following decade, hating them just becoming the popular thing to do. It's like people who make "Aquaman sucks" jokes but know next to nothing about the character.
The main criticism is that their music is too formulaic. While there's some basis for that claim, you could arguably say the same about almost every band. Some artists just tend to create music they and their fans enjoy without straying too far from the norm, and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that. Ironically, the jokes people make over the band have gotten as repetitive as the music they criticize.
Look, if you don't like Nickelback, it's fine; you're entitled to your opinion. But the idea that they're the worst band ever is pure hyperbole. So I feel the need to talk about the songs that stand out with a good sound and lyrics with substance. These are my top 10 favorite Nickelback songs.


I admittedly didn't follow Nickelback as much after their 2011 album "Here and Now", but when "Feed the Machine" came out in 2017, this song really lit up on my radar. I just never thought of Nickelback doing a political/revolutionary type of song, but here we are. And considering my love for stories like "Code Geass" and "V for Vendetta", I'm a sucker for songs like this. The only reason it's on the bottom of the list is how recent it is compared to the rest of the entries.
The heavy sound can really get you riled up while the lyrics do a good job of conveying the oppressive idea of society only working right if everyone does the job they're assigned without question. The way 2020 played out, I feel the themes of this song hit even harder than it did back in 2017. As Donald Trump's presidency was partial inspiration for the song, it seems poetic that this song came out when he first took office and I decided to do this list as he's on his way out.


Man, there was no escape from this song when it came out. I mean, it is quite catchy with a good mix of acoustic and electric guitar, also being easy to sing along to. While this is more of a personal song for the band about looking back at their hometown lives and how things have changed since they became famous, the themes "Photograph" represents can be relatable to anyone. We can look back with fondness at both good and bad times in our lives as they make us who we are today, but it's important to not dwell on them and keep moving forward. Whatever it may invoke in you, "Photograph" should make you feel something.


It's not one of their biggest hits, but "Feelin' Way Too Damn Good" has always spoke to me. In my younger days, I connected with it as a long-distance relationship song. And while that sentiment remains, listening to it again recently has me getting a "expectations vs. reality" vibe. I think we all have those moments where things are going so well in our lives, like a relationship as it applies to this song, but are cautious of something coming in to ruin it. Feelings like that can be self-sabotage in a way. In either case, "Feelin' Way Too Damn Good" is an underrated song that deserves a listen.


This is probably the Nickelback song with the darkest subject matter, detailing an abusive relationship that has reached its breaking point. The first two thirds of the song go into the worst it has ever been, touching on things like how it must be "her fault", worry from others, and covering it up at the hospital. It really takes a turn in the last third when it's time to go on the defensive and I just love the following stanza:

"Father's a name you haven't earned yet 

You're just a child with a temper

Haven't you heard don't hit a lady?

Kicking your ass would be a pleasure"

Following that, the next stanza is a parallel to how the song begins, only this time the woman is prepared, gun in hand, putting him down before he has the chance to do anything. To me, it really invokes a feeling of satisfaction and liberation.
Overall, the music and lyric composition of "Never Again" do well crafting the story it tells and shows Nickelback can deal with such a serious topic.


It seems like almost every Nickelback album has that one song that's motivational, uplifting, or a call for unity. While songs like "If Everyone Cared" and "When We Stand Together" are more about world peace, "If Today Was Your Last Day" is about inner peace. These days, that concept seems more probable to attain than the others. The message of the song still rings true and much like "Feed the Machine", it should hit a lot harder the way 2020 went. Tomorrow's not a guarantee for you or those you care about, so make peace with your past, do right by others, and take those risks that could lead to something grand.


Out of Nickelback's partying/drinking songs, "Burn it to the Ground" is the best in this regard. It's a real headbanger with energy from start to finish as the lyrics describe a night of debauchery. What I really like in the last third of the song is how Chad Kroeger's vocals start to calm down, signaling the good times are about over, only for him to get his second wind and close out the song even stronger than when it started. What also helps put this song high on the list for me is how much exposure it got, like being used as the theme song for WWE Raw for a time and included in "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"; and say what you will about that movie, but it had a damn good soundtrack.


If there was an anthem for the hopeless romantics who believe in soul mates, "Gotta Be Somebody" is definitely a front runner. While it's definitely as "pop rock" as Nickelback can get, the song does well in describing the search for the ideal relationship, going so far as to compare it something out of a movie. And I really just like the song's hopeful message, urging those who have yet to find someone to grow old with not to give up.


If you claim you weren't singing along to "Rockstar" (especially in a group) when it came out and was hitting its pique popularity, you might be lying. I mean, who hasn't in some point in their lives want to be a famous rockstar? Imagine my surprise while making this list when I found out that despite this song's popularity, it received a lot of negative reviews. Some people just really need to lighten up. It's a catchy and fun song about the perks of living the sweet life, slightly touching on its' dark side, with vocal cameos from Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top as the cherry on top.


I unashamedly have this one in my emo playlist. The contents and the title itself are essentially a cry for help, seeking reassurance that their life has merit. Just for a few examples, "Savin' Me" can apply to dealing with mental illness or to find salvation from a self-destructive life style. Along with the message, I love the overall composition of the song, from the acoustic guitar in the beginning, the piano at the end, and the echo of the back-up vocals, signifying a distant call to anyone who will listen. It's definitely worth a listen.

And my favorite Nickelback song is...


The song that first shot the band to super stardom. Even if you don't like Nickelback, how can you not be singing and/or headbanging along to this rocking classic? The guitar notes and drum beats alone make "How You Remind Me" iconic and easily identifiable. And as the song draws inspiration from a past dysfunctional relationship of Kroeger's, the song paints the ups and downs and struggle to let it go. It all builds to a finish that is climactic in sound and bittersweet in lyrics, coupled with Kroeger's explosive vocals during the final chorus. Will you be having fun listening to this one? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

And that's my top ten favorite Nickelback songs. If my selections and reasonings have given anyone any inklings to give the band a second chance, I'll consider that a win. Happy New Year and stay positive!

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