As great and beloved as the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies are, there have been trials for Marvel to pull them off. They've had to play ball with Sony due to the character's film rights situation, and their partnership almost blew up before "No Way Home". This has lead to a common criticism that they shoehorn in more MCU references and characters compared to other characters' solo movies and pull away focus for a Spidey film. It does make one wonder how Marvel would have handled Spider-Man in the MCU without Sony in the mix. Which brings us to "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man"
Initially envisioned as a prequel to his debut in "Civil War", the web-slinger's Disney+ show takes place in an alternate timeline of the MCU where Peter finds himself being mentored by Norman Osborn rather than Tony Stark. Spidey already has a long history of animated series, and "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" is a welcome addition to that legacy.
For an experiment in reapproaching Spider-Man's introduction to the MCU, the results are successful. While there are MCU character guest appearances, the series focuses strictly on the Spider-Man mythos. It's just so interesting to see how things could have gone and what could be hints of things to come for Peter in the Sacred Timeline. This show also gives Marvel the chance to do things with Spidey either too small to explore in the movies or deliver things that may or may not come to pass. I mean, episode six gives us the closest thing yet to a Spidey and Daredevil meet-up. Plus, the Scorpion set-up from "Homecoming" feels like such a missed opportunity now after seeing how he was utilized here.
Aside from Aunt May, Peter has a totally different supporting cast compared to the movies. I feel this is due to a combination of trying to be different from the movies and possible rights and likeness issues with Sony, with Peter, May, and Gargan bearing resemblance to their live action counterparts. Despite the absence of Ned and MJ, the series still delivers a strong supporting cast. In this universe, Peter's best friend is Nico Minoru of "Runaways" fame. I love the chemistry they have here, and it makes me miss actress Lyrica Okano's presence in the MCU (bring her back, Feige!). There's also a surprise choice in making Lonnie Lincoln a friend of Peter's, but this leads to a compelling origin story for his turn into Tombstone.
Style wise, the show's animation is similar to the MTV CGI series and the Ultimate Spider-Man video game while applying the 60's Ditko and Romita aesthetic in a modern-day setting. It worked for me immediately, but it may take some getting used to for others. We also get the first full-on theme song for a Spider-Man series since "Spectacular", something sorely missed from the Ultimate and 2017 series. It's a real banger and made me realize that each Spider-Man theme song, also including the '67 and '94 shows, are reflective of their era.
I still believe "Spectacular" is the character's best series, but "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" is the heir apparent. It delivers a comparable coming of age story for Peter as he moves through his high school and superhero lives. "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" has the chance to reach the heights "Spectacular" aspired to before its early cancellation. With so much set up for the future in the season finale (including one shocking revelation no one will see coming), you'll be left eagerly waiting for the series' return.
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